Monday, September 10, 2012

Child Ghosts

Click to enlarge

Karate Night

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monday Night Homework

Oh my nose!

Monday, September 3, 2012

You know Desi Arnaz Jr.?

Yes, it is always Marcia Marcia Marcia!!!


Four Facts of The Bradys

  • In addition to the albums recorded by the Brady kids, there was an album featuring only Maureen McCormick and Christopher Knight. It was a commercial failure.
  • There are many references to a fictional place called "Mount Claymore". This is where the Bradys went camping in The Brady Bunch: A-Camping We Will Go.   
  • We saw the Brady bathroom many times, but not once did we see a toilet. The popular joke was that the Bradys were so good, clean and wholesome that didn't even go to the bathroom. The truth was, the network censors wouldn't allow a toilet to be shown, at that time.   
  • Sherwood Schwartz originally wanted Gene Hackman for the role of Mike Brady, but Hackman wasn't considered well-known enough at the time.   

Quarterback Sneak

TV Listings update

The Brady Bunch is no longer on Me-TV Tuesdays at 8pm, however it is on INSP at 5:00pm and 5:30pm EST every weekday, and Sundays 11am-1pm on Me-TV.